Sög visst lite på det där med att vara en no-lifer. But I will be back.. ingen större skada skedd.
Har fastnat i världens bästa bok "Om jag kunde drömma" första Twilight boken, ska läsa alla hihi. WÄÄÄH

gammal bild.. får komma nya imorgon.
roses are dead, violets are too, I'm still in love but not with you, you thought you left and made me cry but I was in love with another guy, simply because you had no class so all you can do is kiss my ass, you sitt around and talk your shit so fuck you, and you ass little dick, you thought you left me but I left you what my man is doing you can't do. You tell your homies that you played me like a bitch and I tell my girls that you have a little dick, I thought you loved me but it wasn't true, well guess what motherfucker I played you too.